Region Builders Weighs In On Draft EIR for the Downtown Arena

Region Builders Weighs In On Draft EIR for the Downtown Arena

On January 31st, Region Builders submitted the following letter as a comment on the DEIR for the Entertainment & Sports Complex.

January 31, 2014


Scott Johnson, Associate Planner
City of Sacramento, Community Development Department
Environmental Planning Services
300 Richards Boulevard, Third Floor
Sacramento, CA  95811

Re:       Sacramento Entertainment and Sports Center
Region Builders Comments on Draft Environmental Impact Report

Dear Mr. Johnson:

Region Builders has a vision to create a political climate in our region that encourages profitable building through decreased regulation and lower fees; as well as more governmental accountability, transparency and efficiency. To that end, and on behalf of our members, Region Builders is pleased to provide comments on the Draft Environmental Impact Report (“DEIR”) for the City of Sacramento’s proposed Entertainment and Sports Center (“ESC”).


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